Northwest Portland Ministries, Inc. (NWPM) creates a caring community of volunteers who help neighbors in need. We inspire volunteers from congregations and the larger community to support neighbors to live with dignity and purpose. We provide food, transportation, recreation and helping hands.

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Meet William Wagoner: veteran, activist, teacher

One of the many benefits of driving for Northwest Portland Ministries is meeting nice people every day. Their personal stories and their lives touch those who come in contact with them. One of these nice people is William Wagoner.

William and his wife Rosa recently moved to the Pearl District with the assistance of NWPM staff and volunteers. NWPM also transports William to the Veterans Administration Hospital, where he receives chemotherapy three times a week.

William was born 78 years ago in Dallas, Texas, and moved to Roswell, New Mexico, when he was two. In 1951, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy and served in the Medical Corps during the Korean war. He proudly wore two uniforms in his military career: one for the Navy and one for the U.S. Marine Corps. After tours of duty in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, Korea, Japan, and Pearl Harbor, William attended UCLA and graduated in 1961 with a degree in psychology.

That same year, William traveled with the Freedom Riders in the southern part of the United States and witnessed American history at its lowest point. Along with the other civil rights activists, he was arrested and sent to Mississippi’s Parchman Farm penitentiary, where he was incarcerated for 30 days for “disturb- ing the peace.” The NAACP posted bail for the freedom riders, and the U.S. Supreme Court later overturned their convictions.

William taught high school Spanish and physical education in California. He also worked in insurance sales and sang as a bass soloist for the First Lutheran Church in New York City.

On his trips to the VA Hospital, William enjoys the company and the conversations with our drivers—and the feeling is quite mutual. ■