Northwest Portland Ministries, Inc. (NWPM) creates a caring community of volunteers who help neighbors in need. We inspire volunteers from congregations and the larger community to support neighbors to live with dignity and purpose. We provide food, transportation, recreation and helping hands.

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Drop in at Cafe Reese to help raise funds for our backpack program

On Monday, November 17, Cafe Reese will donate 20% of its proceeds to the NWPM backpack program. Cafe Reese is an expresso, beer, and wine bar in Northwest Portland. The menu boasts a nice selection of soup, salad and panini sandwiches.
Cafe Reese
1037 NW 23rd Ave. (at Marshall)
Portland, OR 97210 503.219.0633
Open 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.