Northwest Portland Ministries, Inc. (NWPM) creates a caring community of volunteers who help neighbors in need. We inspire volunteers from congregations and the larger community to support neighbors to live with dignity and purpose. We provide food, transportation, recreation and helping hands.

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Dining for dollars

Northwest Portland Ministries is partnering with Serratto Restaurant to bring you fabulous dining while benefiting “Food for Kids Backpack Program.” Serratto is a lively and elegant neighborhood restaurant serving authentic and innovative dishes from Italy, France, and the greater Mediterranean region. Bring friends, family and coworkers.
When: Monday, February 23, 2009 11:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Where: Serrato Restaurant, 2112 NW Kearney Street, Portland, OR 97210 Participate: 10% of the days income will benefit the “Food for Kids Backpack Program.”